Cultivating Business Partnerships

Education & Workforce Organizations

  • Do employers not see the value in your workforce and education programs?
  • Do you want more employers to be engaged with your workforce and education initiatives?
  • Is there a lack of interest by employers in providing work-based learning opportunities?
Join the Movement:

Ways to Join the Movement


Work with the Behind Every Employer team to identify the sector-specific employers that you want to engage with your workforce and education programs. We’ll do the rest through our sophisticated digital ad campaign and Appointment Center to make sure your organization gets qualified employer leads and follow-up meetings to cultivate employer relationships.


Our courses support your outreach teams in understanding the nuances of employer engagement, effective outreach strategies, and how to build sustainable, coordinated systems to get out of your school’s silos.


Get in front of employers through a free referral source by listing your school on the Behind Every Employer campaign website. COABE’s national campaign targets employers and directs them to your school based on the services you offer employers and your zip code. Coming Fall 2021!


Add your logo and tailor these outreach materials to support your employer engagement efforts as a proud campaign partner which includes a fact sheet with infographics, new release template and web copy with campaign logo to display as a proud campaign partner.

Cultivating Business Partnerships

Our Focus

Full Capacity Marketing has joined the Behind Every Employer Campaign to create turnkey, cost-effective employer outreach campaigns for colleges, K12 and adult education organizations and workforce practitioners to better attract employers to hire their students, engage in work-based learning opportunities and/or sell contract education workforce services.

More Qualified Leads

Better Employer Engagement

Increased Opportunities for Students

Improved Sales

Cultivating Business Partnerships

You Need More than Catalogs to Cultivate Business Relationships!

CEO Kim Kunkel, of Kunkel and Associates, explains the disconnect in receiving the Northeast Iowa Community College’s catalog year after year and still not knowing that they served businesses. Once she did tap into their workforce services, she was delighted!

Move beyond mailers and catalogs with with sophisticated digital employer campaigns to garner interest in workforce and education.

Challenges We Solve

Do you have these challenges in cultivating business partnerships?

Employers not seeing the value in workforce and education

Longer engagement cycles anywhere form 6 weeks to 6 months

No engagement campaigns targeting businesses & key sectors

Small staff size to conduct the appropriate follow-up with businesses

Not knowing if your website is generating leads

Wasting money on traditional advertising

Contact the Behind Every Employer team to help you create a turnkey, cost-effective employer engagement campaign with a built-in Appointment Center to generate leads and set appointments with employers.

What Our Customers Say

Contact Us

Have questions about the national Behind Every Employer campaign or launching a local employer lead generation campaign with our Appointment Center? Complete the form and we’ll contact you.

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